Japan you cannot get abortion done without asking your partner know what is the rule in India

Japan you cannot get abortion done without asking your partner know what is the rule in India

Every country around the world has its own logic regarding abortion. In some countries abortion is legal, while in many countries there are many rules for abortion, which are necessary to be followed. Today we will tell you what are the rules regarding abortion in India and in which country consent from the partner is required for abortion.


Abortion means aborting the unborn child in a woman’s womb. According to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971, which is the law governing abortion in India, a registered medical practitioner can perform an abortion but only if the pregnancy endangers the mental or physical health of the pregnant woman or the fetus is likely to suffer serious mental or physical abnormalities, or there may be physical abnormalities at delivery.

what does the law say

Like many countries around the world, rules have been made for abortion in India too. A law has been made for this. According to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, only a qualified doctor can give permission for abortion. However, if the doctor finds out that there is a danger to the child or the fetus or the mother may die due to delivery, then abortion can be allowed in this situation.

Up to how many weeks can an abortion happen?

A time limit has been set for abortion. If a woman is pregnant for less than 20 weeks, she can get an abortion done on the advice of a doctor. If the doctor feels that the abortion is safe, then it can be allowed. If the pregnancy is between 20 weeks and 24 weeks, then it is necessary to take the advice of two doctors. However, from 20 weeks to 24 weeks, only those women can get an abortion done who are rape victims, minors or are mentally and physically ill. After 24 weeks, abortion can be done only with the consent of the medical board.

consent of the partner

Abortion is legal in Japan. But it is necessary to have the consent of the partner for this. According to the rules, Japanese women have to take the consent of their partner to use the abortion pill. In simple terms, no woman can get an abortion alone there, both the woman and the partner have to be ready for this. Only after this, the doctors allow abortion.

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